This program literally helped me with my essays, I love it so much! If only it's available on mobile.... The good ol feedback isn't enough for me most of the time
Hi I just wanted to tell you just how much I love love LOVE this app, I've already commented but now with the update out and a ton of new features I'm just so excited. A few weeks ago I wrote a huge post on tumblr about how much this (and another writing site) have helped me a lot and I hope you get even more downloads from that 🙏 Thank you so much!
I saw that post on tumblr, thank you so much for that. It definitely bought new people to find the app! Spreading the word about my little app really means a lot to me and I’m so happy to hear it’s helped you with your writing 💜
The best writing add on just got even better! Many have already said their praise, so I have nothing to add on, but from the bottom of all of our hearts we say thank you for providing one of the most simple yet effective sources for writing for all (and getting out of that pesky writer's block I've been in with an encouraging, vibrant alternative to google docs)
Absolutely loving the update. The Parchment + Fireplace is incredible for me so far. Just takes me to a nice place.
However, I've noticed that when I close out, the Background and Soundscape options aren't recognized from my last session. Is this intentional (perhaps to save on load time)? Not terribly inconvenient, but does cause a few extra clicks.
Also, the loop on the Fireplace background is super noticeable on my machine. I haven't tried it on a secondary device, but there's a prominent flicker about every 12 seconds or so that's kinda distracting.
Thanks so much for providing this for everyone! Again, incredible application and super cool it's made in Godot.
Thanks so much for looking into it and for just taking the time to create an awesome program that's clearly helping a lot of people. If it would be helpful to have video/specs/settings/etc. to repro I can screen record and send it over.
I love the thing. But how do I turn off the hearts? Because they float up from one side, it makes my eyes hurt.(This is a sensory thing that appears realated to my ADHD.) I can move the window partly off the screen, but it's a bit of a messy workaround.
Been using the Mac version for about a week now after a friend recommended it (I really appreciate that this works out of the box on several OS). I wasn't sure what to expect, but it helps a lot! I think the typing sound option is the one that captures my attention the most.
Looking forward to StimuWrite 2, could be neat to have more fonts c:
I downloaded this app a few days after launch and it's definitely the best thing ever! The constant stimulation really helps me stay focused and the seeing all the little emojis is very satisfying.
My only issue is that I can't use it while having any other app open in the background (like Spotify, which is a shame because my best writing configuration with StimuWrite involves the waves theme/background + waves white noise). When I try, my entire PC freezes and takes a while to come back. It's probably a device issue (low GB RAM cheap PC) but I'd really love it if there was any way to solve the issue.
I also would love the option to let users upload their own custom background in the future. I love making edits of the couples I write about and having one of them to write with all the floating emojis would be like a dream coming true ><
Overall, though: thank you very much for making this project come true! I hope you can reach and help even more struggling writers with it ♥
Thank you for your feedback! Would you be willing to be a beta tester on StimuWrite 2? I am trying to improve performance but don't have a low end machine to test on. Please email me here if so:
I really love this app and so I wanted to make some suggestions.
I write in Portuguese and in my language, the dialogues are indicated by dash. Example:
— Hi, my name is Gisele — she said. — How are you?
So I use a dash a lot and in the program it counts as a word. That would be my first suggestion for change, for now I put a larger number of words to reach because of the dashes.
Another suggestion is a way to keep the configuration that was closed, such as theme and font used.
Even with these details, I will continue using the program, because I am in love.
Thanks for the feedback! The info about the dash is very helpful. I am working on version 2 now and it will remember most of the last used settings. I’ll fix the issue you mentioned as well :)
Running just fine from my Chromebook's Linux VM (crostini). Note you have to first do `chmod a+x stimuwrite-linux-121.x86_64` to make it executable.
Stimuwrite scratches the itch of my ADHD-addled monkebrain. Thank you so much for adding Open Dyslexic. I hope you make lots of money from making apps for the neuro-divergent, you dangerous neo-reactionary guerilla-capitalist you.
I am absolutely in love with this app! It's helping me stay focused and draft without getting bogged down in editing as I go.
A feature I would really love to see in the next version would be the option to turn straight quotes into curly quotes as I type. Smart quotes are kind of an industry standard now, so once I'm done drafting in StimuWrite and paste into any word processor or google docs, I have to manually hunt down the quotes and apostrophes and correct them. (It's easy enough to do a find and replace with apostrophes; but fixing all the dialogue quotes can be a bit of a pain, especially in conversation-heavy pieces of fiction).
Totally understand if that's too fiddly to implement, though, and still looking forward to v. 2.0! Thank you for your work!
i downloaded this app to try out yesterday and now i am back specifically to gush about how good it is. maybe this wouldn't work for everyone but man... this app really pulls me out of my usual writing funks. i wanna click through things to procastinate ? can't ! app is fullscreen - no tabs or taskbar unless i drag my mouse over to the fullscreen toggle first <3 i want to spend 15 minutes trying to figure out which synonym i want or which word it is that i just cant reach ? i COULD, there's nothing STOPPING me - but it would be a lot easier to just type in a placeholder and keep on going than go out of fullscreen and switch back to firefox for my go-to thesaurus site. some of the backgrounds are a bit Much for me but that is absolutely not a criticism - for other people those will work really well, and the backgrounds that do work for me do a fantastic job at keeping me focused !! it's a good variety of different vibes and motion that has a great chance of reaching all types of people
some of these have been suggested below i believe, but things that i think would be cool: > basic formatting options - italics + bold > maybeeee some paragraph customization ?? currently paragraphs automatically sit next to each other like any other line of text which can make the text feel like a bix Jumble of words - this is easily solvable by just adding an empty paragraph space between tho :> > the ability to toggle volume for the typing sounds - i LOVE them, but when contrasted w/ other background noise at my computer they can be a bit Loud
all in all though. this is a FANTASTIC app and i'm really glad it exists !! thanks so much for sharing it <3
oh my god so I downloaded this just to try it and ended up writing 1500 words in like 20 minutes. I'm combining the backgrounds with sounds on MyNoise and I'm obsessed. My only suggestion would be the addition of minor formatting options (such as bold/italics/strikethrough, maybe an option to add a vertical space between paragraphs) but even without those I still love this app. Thank you!!
A total necessity for writing for anyone. A simple yet effective landmark in digital writing. I can't believe this wasn't thought of sooner, but I'm so glad you did.
Absolutely adore the app and its been wonderful in helping me get writing. I have encountered one wildly weird (if frustrating) effect when I do this and play a game on controller at the same time
So for context I play FFXIV and during long queue times I'll write and when I'm done with my duty I'll go back and write more, only to find that Stimuwrite has closed. I noticed in the middle of a dungeon that it was opening menus while I was doing my rotation despite Stimuwrite not being the program actively being used at the moment.
Weird but manageable during 1.12! I just get what I've gotten during the session from the Recover menu and put my word goal back where it belonged and tada I'm back at it for another eons long queue time in XIV.
just wanted to drop in and say that i LOVE using this app! it's really been helping me with writing first drafts and getting back into the habit of writing. thank you! i can't wait to see the stimuwrite 2.
Just downloaded this to try it out, it feels great! There are some things that bother me with it though. Mainly, even though i have a retina display (on a MacBook), the app opens in low resolution, which makes the fonts look awful, and there seem to be some kerning issues as well (irregular spacing between letters), especially with smaller window sizes.
Something else, which may be a bit harder to fix, is that if i resize the window, i get black bars on the top/bottom or the sides. It would be nice if the writing window tried to fill the whole window (while still keeping its aspect ratio), while the background would zoom to cover the whole window.
I’ve also attached a screenshot so you can see the kerning issues, hopefully you get what i mean. It’s especially noticeable in these example letter combinations: lly, hile, it, ill, le, uld, alle.
Oh! Another suggestion i just thought of. It would be lovely if the different backgrounds had fitting ambience sounds (togglable, probably, since not everyone might want it).
Also, please do let me know if there’s a better place to give suggestions about this. I just went for the itch comments since that’s what everyone else seems to be doing.
Hi! I made an account just to give my thanks for this, it's a real game-changer. I've written more in the last few days than the past month!
I have just two suggestions:
The sound-keypress feature is great, I love the 'typewriter' option. Can the sound-code recognize when Enter is pressed to play a special sound as a new line is created? Like the "Ding!" a typewriter makes when you reach the end of a line. That would be so cool!
Add the option to auto-launch on computer startup - sometimes getting started is the hardest thing. But if the app is already open in front of you, then...
Most operating systems (i think?) have mechanisms for opening certain apps on login/restart. I know for certain macOS does. You can try googling how to set up any app to open automatically for your OS, it should be pretty simple.
I'm really loving this app, it's making it so much easier for me to write and stay focused for longer, so thank you!
I am having a weird issue with it on my Mac, though. Whenever I use the app my fans get really loud, and it says that it's using 90% of my cpu. is this normal? I'm using a 2019 macbook pro.
I really love this app! Love the stimuli as it provides it to me altogether instead of me breaking minute after minute to seek it out myself by switching tabs/scrolling through social media/etc. Also the word count goal function makes long pieces super easy to break down.
Only issue I've found is my screen flashes/glitches/displays the static day background every minute? few minutes? whenever I'm using a background that isn't static day.
Ok it wasn't flashing for a bit but it started up again occasionally but not as frequent as before? I'd switched to light mode and changed the background back and forth and now it stopped so I'm not sure what caused it to start up again in the first place?
I've been enjoying the app on my primary laptop but it doesn't like the graphics card on my cheaper laptop with just an onboard low end video card, I've been using it to good effect otherwise though, thank you!
It's a qualcom adreno 618 GPU, when I tried to launch the application it gave me an error message, my "video card doesn't support the right openGL version, if i have an old or integrated gpu upgrade it". Harsh but fair maybe? Works on my gaming laptop but I don't lug this thing to the coffee shop :p
I get this error too, trying to install on an older Windows PC with an integrated graphics card. Can't update the drivers any further. Both v1 and v2 won't install on this machine.
I'm having the same problem as Beesmm below me! It says it needs to be updated and can't be scanned for viruses so they won't let me install it! Excited to try eventually though!
I'm still figure out the "need to update" part but the "cannot check for malicious software" is a standard message that comes up because I'm not a part of Apple's developer program. As long as you only get StimuWrite from official sources (this page currently is the only one), you'll be safe.
Try this:
Drag the app into your applications folder.
Open the Finder and navigate to the application.
Right click or control click the StimuWrite icon and select open.
Click the Open button that comes up and it should open and not give you a warning anymore.
Hello! I just tried to open this on my iMac (OS Monterey v12.8) and it was unable to open the software because the app "needs to be updated." Has anyone else had this problem? Am I doing something incorrectly?
When I first tried to open it there was dialog because Apple can't verify it. I didn't make a screenshot for this app but it was similar dialog to this
This comes up because I'm not a part of Apple's developer program. As long as you only get StimuWrite from official sources (this page currently is the only place), you'll be safe.
Try this:
Drag the app into your applications folder.
Open the Finder and navigate to the application.
Right click or control click the StimuWrite icon and select open.
Click the Open button that comes up and it should open and not give you a warning anymore.
a) Is it possible to toggle off the hearts? Every other feature is pitch perfect to what I need!
b) I was curious if it would be possible for users to put their own custom moving backgrounds into the program, I use focuswriter a lot so I'm a little spoiled in terms of being able to put Custom Stuff in there
Love this! Was having a difficult time making words happen in my other writing app (Zenwriter) and I have ADHD so wanted to give this a try. Was able to knock out 1,200 words and counting after download. Small bug report, but when I try to set the moving BGs, it will flash the static day BG every now and then. But a very good writing app for dopamine deprived people like me! : D
Thank you! If you don't mind emailing me your system info and graphic card info and whether you were using full screen mode when the flickering happened, that would be helpful. Email:
Hello! Sorry I didn't get back to you. I've downloaded the new version and tried the video BGs. No flashing so far : D If it's still helpful, my device info is: HP Laptop 17 by 3xxx, windows 10 Home 64bit, version 21H1, processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-1005G1 CPU @ 1.20GHz 1.20 GHz.
Really helpful program for writing. However, it would be nice if program had some kind of default options from regular text redactors like "Open", "Find", and "Replace with...". Also a working "CTRL+S" key would be cool.
Thank you for the feedback! Those features were actually left out intentionally, so they won't be added in the next version. StimuWrite isn't meant to be a replacement for your word processor, more of a companion drafting app. The program discourages editing inside of it by design.
I like the idea of this, personally I find the typing sounds a little too loud. I can just turn the volume of the entire program down, but adding a slider would be nice for simplicity.
Also not personally a fan of the emotes, a way to make them smaller/less obtrusive would be nice. They're a bit distracting to me as they are. The progress bar is really nice and motivating, though.
This is a really good idea though, and I'm curious to see where it goes!
This is pretty great. Now, I'm not neurodivergent, but I can easily get distrcted when writting and this helps out a lot. The only 'problem' I could find is the lack of a grammar check, but that's really not a big deal as I can simply copy/paste everything to a text editor.
This is a 10/10 for me and I'll keep an eye to see it improve more and more.
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This program literally helped me with my essays, I love it so much! If only it's available on mobile.... The good ol feedback isn't enough for me most of the time
That is on the horizon! I can't give a timeline yet, though
Hi I just wanted to tell you just how much I love love LOVE this app, I've already commented but now with the update out and a ton of new features I'm just so excited. A few weeks ago I wrote a huge post on tumblr about how much this (and another writing site) have helped me a lot and I hope you get even more downloads from that 🙏 Thank you so much!
I saw that post on tumblr, thank you so much for that. It definitely bought new people to find the app! Spreading the word about my little app really means a lot to me and I’m so happy to hear it’s helped you with your writing 💜
Holy Cannoli! Em-dash? That's spiffy as all get-out:) Version 2 has a lot of cool improvements.
Yes!! Happy to hear that feature is useful
Getting v2 now! I'm terribly excited ^_^
The best writing add on just got even better! Many have already said their praise, so I have nothing to add on, but from the bottom of all of our hearts we say thank you for providing one of the most simple yet effective sources for writing for all (and getting out of that pesky writer's block I've been in with an encouraging, vibrant alternative to google docs)
Thank you so much for your kind words, it means a lot 💜
Absolutely loving the update. The Parchment + Fireplace is incredible for me so far. Just takes me to a nice place.
However, I've noticed that when I close out, the Background and Soundscape options aren't recognized from my last session. Is this intentional (perhaps to save on load time)? Not terribly inconvenient, but does cause a few extra clicks.
Also, the loop on the Fireplace background is super noticeable on my machine. I haven't tried it on a secondary device, but there's a prominent flicker about every 12 seconds or so that's kinda distracting.
Thanks so much for providing this for everyone! Again, incredible application and super cool it's made in Godot.
I will look into those issues! Thanks for the kind words
Thanks so much for looking into it and for just taking the time to create an awesome program that's clearly helping a lot of people. If it would be helpful to have video/specs/settings/etc. to repro I can screen record and send it over.
I loved the previous version, and I'm really liking this update. Thank you so much for making this, it's very helpful.
I’m so glad to hear you’re liking the update! Thank you
omg the update is AMAZING
I’m so glad to hear you like it! Thank you so much
Interesting little bug. (running stimuwrite-linux-121.x86_64) One word paragraphs don't trigger the wordcount to change.
I love the thing. But how do I turn off the hearts? Because they float up from one side, it makes my eyes hurt.(This is a sensory thing that appears realated to my ADHD.) I can move the window partly off the screen, but it's a bit of a messy workaround.
Currently there isn’t but version 2 is coming out very soon and has the feature to turn them off (as well as a more accurate word count)
BTW, the waves are really spiffy!
Would it be possible to get rid of the letterboxing when the window is resized to a different aspect ratio?
So that instead of this
It might looks something like this?
This currently isn't planned, but I will consider it :)
The latest version of the app has this feature in the Display Customizations option dialog :)
Oh! Thank you so much! <3
I love this app! Thank you so much for making it!
Been using the Mac version for about a week now after a friend recommended it (I really appreciate that this works out of the box on several OS). I wasn't sure what to expect, but it helps a lot! I think the typing sound option is the one that captures my attention the most.
Looking forward to StimuWrite 2, could be neat to have more fonts c:
Thank you! I'm so glad it's helping. There will be 4 new fonts and ability to choose the exact font size :)
I downloaded this app a few days after launch and it's definitely the best thing ever! The constant stimulation really helps me stay focused and the seeing all the little emojis is very satisfying.
My only issue is that I can't use it while having any other app open in the background (like Spotify, which is a shame because my best writing configuration with StimuWrite involves the waves theme/background + waves white noise). When I try, my entire PC freezes and takes a while to come back. It's probably a device issue (low GB RAM cheap PC) but I'd really love it if there was any way to solve the issue.
I also would love the option to let users upload their own custom background in the future. I love making edits of the couples I write about and having one of them to write with all the floating emojis would be like a dream coming true ><
Overall, though: thank you very much for making this project come true! I hope you can reach and help even more struggling writers with it ♥
Thank you for your feedback! Would you be willing to be a beta tester on StimuWrite 2? I am trying to improve performance but don't have a low end machine to test on. Please email me here if so:
I really love this app and so I wanted to make some suggestions.
I write in Portuguese and in my language, the dialogues are indicated by dash. Example:
So I use a dash a lot and in the program it counts as a word. That would be my first suggestion for change, for now I put a larger number of words to reach because of the dashes.
Another suggestion is a way to keep the configuration that was closed, such as theme and font used.
Even with these details, I will continue using the program, because I am in love.
Thanks for the feedback! The info about the dash is very helpful. I am working on version 2 now and it will remember most of the last used settings. I’ll fix the issue you mentioned as well :)
This app is seriously helping me with work so much. Thank you so, so, so, very much for making it~!
Omg, I love this app
This app is the best. I'm installing it on every machine.
Running just fine from my Chromebook's Linux VM (crostini). Note you have to first do `chmod a+x stimuwrite-linux-121.x86_64` to make it executable.
Stimuwrite scratches the itch of my ADHD-addled monkebrain. Thank you so much for adding Open Dyslexic. I hope you make lots of money from making apps for the neuro-divergent, you dangerous neo-reactionary guerilla-capitalist you.
@eveharms how did you know we needed this app?
I am absolutely in love with this app! It's helping me stay focused and draft without getting bogged down in editing as I go.
A feature I would really love to see in the next version would be the option to turn straight quotes into curly quotes as I type. Smart quotes are kind of an industry standard now, so once I'm done drafting in StimuWrite and paste into any word processor or google docs, I have to manually hunt down the quotes and apostrophes and correct them. (It's easy enough to do a find and replace with apostrophes; but fixing all the dialogue quotes can be a bit of a pain, especially in conversation-heavy pieces of fiction).
Totally understand if that's too fiddly to implement, though, and still looking forward to v. 2.0! Thank you for your work!
Thank you! Great suggestion, I will definitely put it on the list.
Hi there! Version 2 just came out and smart quotes are enabled by default
i downloaded this app to try out yesterday and now i am back specifically to gush about how good it is. maybe this wouldn't work for everyone but man... this app really pulls me out of my usual writing funks. i wanna click through things to procastinate ? can't ! app is fullscreen - no tabs or taskbar unless i drag my mouse over to the fullscreen toggle first <3 i want to spend 15 minutes trying to figure out which synonym i want or which word it is that i just cant reach ? i COULD, there's nothing STOPPING me - but it would be a lot easier to just type in a placeholder and keep on going than go out of fullscreen and switch back to firefox for my go-to thesaurus site. some of the backgrounds are a bit Much for me but that is absolutely not a criticism - for other people those will work really well, and the backgrounds that do work for me do a fantastic job at keeping me focused !! it's a good variety of different vibes and motion that has a great chance of reaching all types of people
some of these have been suggested below i believe, but things that i think would be cool:
> basic formatting options - italics + bold
> maybeeee some paragraph customization ?? currently paragraphs automatically sit next to each other like any other line of text which can make the text feel like a bix Jumble of words - this is easily solvable by just adding an empty paragraph space between tho :>
> the ability to toggle volume for the typing sounds - i LOVE them, but when contrasted w/ other background noise at my computer they can be a bit Loud
all in all though. this is a FANTASTIC app and i'm really glad it exists !! thanks so much for sharing it <3
Thank you so much for this lovely comment and your suggestions!
oh my god so I downloaded this just to try it and ended up writing 1500 words in like 20 minutes. I'm combining the backgrounds with sounds on MyNoise and I'm obsessed. My only suggestion would be the addition of minor formatting options (such as bold/italics/strikethrough, maybe an option to add a vertical space between paragraphs) but even without those I still love this app. Thank you!!
Thank you! Those are great suggestions
A total necessity for writing for anyone. A simple yet effective landmark in digital writing. I can't believe this wasn't thought of sooner, but I'm so glad you did.
Thank you so much for this. I lost my motivation for writing and this really helped.
Absolutely adore the app and its been wonderful in helping me get writing. I have encountered one wildly weird (if frustrating) effect when I do this and play a game on controller at the same time
So for context I play FFXIV and during long queue times I'll write and when I'm done with my duty I'll go back and write more, only to find that Stimuwrite has closed. I noticed in the middle of a dungeon that it was opening menus while I was doing my rotation despite Stimuwrite not being the program actively being used at the moment.
Weird but manageable during 1.12! I just get what I've gotten during the session from the Recover menu and put my word goal back where it belonged and tada I'm back at it for another eons long queue time in XIV.
Thank you for altering me to this issue, it should be fixed in version 2 :)
just wanted to drop in and say that i LOVE using this app! it's really been helping me with writing first drafts and getting back into the habit of writing. thank you! i can't wait to see the stimuwrite 2.
I’m so glad to hear that! Thanks for letting me know
Just downloaded this to try it out, it feels great! There are some things that bother me with it though. Mainly, even though i have a retina display (on a MacBook), the app opens in low resolution, which makes the fonts look awful, and there seem to be some kerning issues as well (irregular spacing between letters), especially with smaller window sizes.
Something else, which may be a bit harder to fix, is that if i resize the window, i get black bars on the top/bottom or the sides. It would be nice if the writing window tried to fill the whole window (while still keeping its aspect ratio), while the background would zoom to cover the whole window.
I’ve also attached a screenshot so you can see the kerning issues, hopefully you get what i mean. It’s especially noticeable in these example letter combinations: lly, hile, it, ill, le, uld, alle.
Oh! Another suggestion i just thought of. It would be lovely if the different backgrounds had fitting ambience sounds (togglable, probably, since not everyone might want it).
Also, please do let me know if there’s a better place to give suggestions about this. I just went for the itch comments since that’s what everyone else seems to be doing.
Thank you for the suggestions! These are all issues I’ll address in the rebuilt version 2.
Hi! I made an account just to give my thanks for this, it's a real game-changer. I've written more in the last few days than the past month!
I have just two suggestions:
Again, thank you so much for the app!
Also saving the last-used Background/Theme/Font etc would be nice :)
Most operating systems (i think?) have mechanisms for opening certain apps on login/restart. I know for certain macOS does. You can try googling how to set up any app to open automatically for your OS, it should be pretty simple.
Thank you for these excellent suggestions! Good to know for version 2
an option for a bigger writing scrren would be neat, other wise, pretty good!
thank you! Version 2 just came out and you can increase the writing area by hiding the control panel :)
I'm really loving this app, it's making it so much easier for me to write and stay focused for longer, so thank you!
I am having a weird issue with it on my Mac, though. Whenever I use the app my fans get really loud, and it says that it's using 90% of my cpu. is this normal? I'm using a 2019 macbook pro.
Hmm that doesn't seem normal! I will look into it and see if there is anything I can do to improve performance.
hi! Version 2 just came out and it has performance improvements along with many others, so hopefully it will be easier on your computer :)
That's awesome! thank you, I cant wait to try it out!
I really love this app! Love the stimuli as it provides it to me altogether instead of me breaking minute after minute to seek it out myself by switching tabs/scrolling through social media/etc. Also the word count goal function makes long pieces super easy to break down.
Only issue I've found is my screen flashes/glitches/displays the static day background every minute? few minutes? whenever I'm using a background that isn't static day.
Hi! I actually just uploaded a new version that should fix this issue, please give it a try and let me know if it solved the problem for you :)
Just checked and it did solve the issue! Thanks so much :D
Ok it wasn't flashing for a bit but it started up again occasionally but not as frequent as before? I'd switched to light mode and changed the background back and forth and now it stopped so I'm not sure what caused it to start up again in the first place?
Hey, this is a really good app! The only I'd add is a timer! I think that would help me stop getting distracted.
Thank you!
I've been enjoying the app on my primary laptop but it doesn't like the graphics card on my cheaper laptop with just an onboard low end video card, I've been using it to good effect otherwise though, thank you!
Thank you for the info! May I ask what is the issue with secondary laptop and what the graphics card is?
It's a qualcom adreno 618 GPU, when I tried to launch the application it gave me an error message, my "video card doesn't support the right openGL version, if i have an old or integrated gpu upgrade it". Harsh but fair maybe? Works on my gaming laptop but I don't lug this thing to the coffee shop :p
I get this error too, trying to install on an older Windows PC with an integrated graphics card. Can't update the drivers any further. Both v1 and v2 won't install on this machine.
I'll look into seeing if there is a way I can modify a version that supports older graphics cards. It may be possible. Sorry about that!
I'm having the same problem as Beesmm below me! It says it needs to be updated and can't be scanned for viruses so they won't let me install it! Excited to try eventually though!
I'm still figure out the "need to update" part but the "cannot check for malicious software" is a standard message that comes up because I'm not a part of Apple's developer program. As long as you only get StimuWrite from official sources (this page currently is the only one), you'll be safe.
Try this:
You can find more info on the apple website here. I hope that helps!
Hello! I just tried to open this on my iMac (OS Monterey v12.8) and it was unable to open the software because the app "needs to be updated." Has anyone else had this problem? Am I doing something incorrectly?
Oh no, I haven't seen this problem before. Is there anymore info you can give me? An error message maybe?
When I first tried to open it there was dialog because Apple can't verify it. I didn't make a screenshot for this app but it was similar dialog to this
You want to go to Mac settings, security and privacy. You'll see a prompt for whether you want to open Inkdrop, click open anyways on that prompt.
This comes up because I'm not a part of Apple's developer program. As long as you only get StimuWrite from official sources (this page currently is the only place), you'll be safe.
Try this:
You can find more info on the apple website here. I hope that helps!
a) Is it possible to toggle off the hearts? Every other feature is pitch perfect to what I need!
b) I was curious if it would be possible for users to put their own custom moving backgrounds into the program, I use focuswriter a lot so I'm a little spoiled in terms of being able to put Custom Stuff in there
Thank you for the feedback! Both of those are features I'm considering for version 2
hello! I just released version 2 of StimuWrite and it has the feature to turn off the emojis :)
Love this! Was having a difficult time making words happen in my other writing app (Zenwriter) and I have ADHD so wanted to give this a try. Was able to knock out 1,200 words and counting after download. Small bug report, but when I try to set the moving BGs, it will flash the static day BG every now and then. But a very good writing app for dopamine deprived people like me! : D
Thank you! If you don't mind emailing me your system info and graphic card info and whether you were using full screen mode when the flickering happened, that would be helpful. Email:
stimuwrite @
Hi! I actually just uploaded a new version that should fix this issue, please give it a try and let me know if it solved the problem for you :)
Hello! Sorry I didn't get back to you. I've downloaded the new version and tried the video BGs. No flashing so far : D If it's still helpful, my device info is: HP Laptop 17 by 3xxx, windows 10 Home 64bit, version 21H1, processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-1005G1 CPU @ 1.20GHz 1.20 GHz.
Really helpful program for writing.
However, it would be nice if program had some kind of default options from regular text redactors like "Open", "Find", and "Replace with...". Also a working "CTRL+S" key would be cool.
Thanks a lot for your hard work.
Thank you for the feedback! Those features were actually left out intentionally, so they won't be added in the next version. StimuWrite isn't meant to be a replacement for your word processor, more of a companion drafting app. The program discourages editing inside of it by design.
I like the idea of this, personally I find the typing sounds a little too loud. I can just turn the volume of the entire program down, but adding a slider would be nice for simplicity.
Also not personally a fan of the emotes, a way to make them smaller/less obtrusive would be nice. They're a bit distracting to me as they are. The progress bar is really nice and motivating, though.
This is a really good idea though, and I'm curious to see where it goes!
Thank you for the feedback!
hello! I just released version 2 of StimuWrite and it has the ability to change the volume and turn off the emotes
This is pretty great. Now, I'm not neurodivergent, but I can easily get distrcted when writting and this helps out a lot. The only 'problem' I could find is the lack of a grammar check, but that's really not a big deal as I can simply copy/paste everything to a text editor.
This is a 10/10 for me and I'll keep an eye to see it improve more and more.
Thank you!