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I like it ! But I tried exporting a theme using your template from GitHub and it caused the copy on my laptop to freeze . Even after I deleted the theme pkg and did a reinstall through it still reopens with the broken theme and freezes. Don't have that prob on my surface tab tho cuz I never put the broken theme pkg here. Is there a chance u could make something so we can just add moving wallpapers independent of a whole theme?  Love the app tho.

Hello! I'm sorry you are having issues with the program crashing. Please try this: 

1. Navigate to the StimuWrite user data folder in your computer ( you may have to unhide hidden files and folders)

Windows: %APPDATA%\Godot\app_userdata\StimuWrite\

macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Godot/app_userdata/StimuWrite/

Linux:  ~/.local/share/godot/app_userdata/StimuWrite/

2. Delete the addons folder

3. Delete stimuwrite.cfg

4. Restart the program

If you like you can send me your godot project file for the custom theme and I'm happy to look at it to see what the issue was, my email is . Feel free to email me if you have any other issues also.

As for custom video backgrounds, this will probably not be a feature added any time soon due to the way it was programmed and how the engine handles video. Unless I rewrite it, adding a system for users to import their own video backgrounds would be almost as complicated for them as creating a custom theme from the template. And even if I did rewrite it, it would still be too complicated for most users because of the engine. But I'm happy to help you with your custom theme.

(1 edit)

Ok thanks I'll try that out. The first theme I tried (where I converted a gif to an ogv file and used that) worked fine but the one where I tried a minute long m4v to ogv made it crash.

I'll try to clear the add-ons and CFG file too and see what happens.


(2 edits)

This software looks like it would suit my needs, but I can't use it. It has errors with Chinese on windows 11, even after I downloaded and installed add-ons and changed the fonts. Hopefully this can be fixed.

EDIT: The creator contacted me very quickly and fixed the error! This is a work well worth buying and supporting!

Thank you for letting me know! Would you please email me the errors in more detail? A full localization in Chinese is planned and it would be a big help to get some user input. My email

(2 edits)

Hi! I love all the new changes, but I wanted to let you know about a problem I've been having as an Ubuntu user. So, in Ubuntu, I have to make the .desktop file manually to add a shortcut to my Applications list (thanks, itch), but because the name of the executable changes on every version, I have to go in and change the .desktop file manually every time. This means that every time there's an update, my shortcut stops working for a bit. Is there a way the executable filename could go unchanged, or does that just not workable with itch?

[EDIT: Updated the script below to the new version of Stimuwrite, which, according to Eve, will no longer change names going forward. Hooray!]

Also, if anyone also on Ubuntu wants to know how to do what I'm doing, since I had to teach myself: Find your Applications folder; it should be full of .desktop files. Create a new text file and copy-paste this in, modifying the locations and stuff accordingly (unless your name on your computer is also "Imogen" and you also put all your important files in a stupid folder called "Pathways", in which case this'll be super easy for you). Make sure the Exec shows the updated filename.

If you like, download a Stimuwrite icon to input for the Icon section, or just delete that row! I think half of these rows are redundant, but I don't wanna mess with it.

Save the file as stimuwrite.desktop. It may take a little bit to show up, and you might have to open the Applications program to double-check, but I think it should work?

[Desktop Entry]

Oh! Thanks for letting me know. I'll remove the version number from future updates so hopefully you'll only have to do it one more time. And thanks for posting this helpful tutorial!


Wonderful! It's a brand-new day. :D

I loved “compact mode”, but if I put the software in this mode, minimize it and go back to writing, it crashes/bugs and I have to close and recover what was written in “recover session”.


That's so strange, do you mind emailing me your log files? I can't replicate the bug on my machine. You can find them here:

Windows: %APPDATA%\Godot\app_userdata\StimuWrite\logs\

macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Godot/app_userdata/StimuWrite/logs/

Linux:  ~/.local/share/godot/app_userdata/StimuWrite/logs

My email is

I just sent them! :) 


Really great little app, I have been really enjoying using it :). 

I have one small request tho. Would it be possible, for you to include an image of the icon with the Linux version? You see, on Linux it’s possible to add AppImages to the system’s start menu, but you have to manually add an icon to the entry (note: Linux just uses regular images formats for icons: jpg, png &c). Would be a nice addition, though obviously not essential. 

Anyways, keep up the good work!!!!♥

Thank you! I will try to figure that out :)

Really nice little app to help focus on writing! I was wondering, is it possible or will it  be possible to add new fonts?

Sadly, due to the way the engine handles fonts it’s unlikely that custom user fonts will ever be supported. However, if there’s an free/open source font you like, feel free to send it my way, and I will consider adding it.


Omg yay updates!! Happy pride month, thank you! This is my favorite writing tool, I use it to write all my fanfics and headcannons and I'm really glad the typing sounds are working now! I hope to see more in the future!


Thank you so much! I'm delighted to hear that. There are going to be more updates soon!

Howdy! Really enjoy the pride theme pack. The chaos speaks to me... ;)

I also downloaded the update and I'm a little confused about the new export button. Before, when I exported my files they saved as .html which I could open with Firefox and copy-paste from to preserve all the rich formatting. Now they export as .md (which my system defaults to opening with Calibre of all things, which doesn't work) and I don't know what to open the file with so I can read it with formatting intact. Am I missing something?

(FYI, I update manually; so just downloading the new and deleting the old, so I'm not using the app. I'm also on Windows 10.)

Ah, I didn’t know anyone was using the HTML export and I removed it, sorry about that. I will add an option to choose the rich text export file format in the next version so you can export in html again. In the meantime, you can open the md files with a free markdown editor like  Obsidian or ghostwriter markdown and copy and paste from the preview  window. Sorry again for the inconvenience!


Thank you for the reply and the markdown editor recs! Just glad I'm not losing my mind. XD I truly appreciate your openness to feedback.

HTML export has been restored in the latest version (2.3) that has just been released :)

I love this app and it really helps me write! Over the past couple months I have noticed that typing two hyphens (--) doesn't convert to em-dash if there is any text ahead of it. Sometimes I'll write the sentences and decide an em dash looks better than a comma, and when I change it, it just stays as --. It is a very minor inconvenience so I just correct it when I copy it to my main doc, but I figured I would let you know!

That’s very helpful info, thank you! I’m happy to hear the program is working out for you :)

This bug has been fixed in the latest version (2.3) that has just been released :)

(2 edits)

I just spent a half-hour unraveling this only to realize it was a) totally irrelevant as a "bug", b) too long to post the full stupid saga. But I'll share the answer, because it's funny to me.

Basically, the Courier Prime font on Stimuwrite does a weird-looking apostrophe if the apostrophe happens to fall in a certain part close to the center of the page.

Spot the haunted column.

It's mechanically the same symbol in any other program, so it's not an issue at all. It's just so weird.

Oh my gosh, dramatic twist. It only happens in the Trans palette, and it affects other characters.

I think the haunted column is a pixel issue with the new theme. Well, that's neat! Nice to have closure: It's all trans people's fault.

/extremely j


Well, I’m trans so technically any issue with the program is all a trans person’s fault  😂


First off, I love love love this app.  Just wanted to say that. Second, my word counter seems to get stuck a lot (on 0 words) even when there's a lot of text in it. Do you know why?

Did you copy and paste into the app? The word count updates based on typing, so if work is pasted in, it won't update until you start typing. Or perhaps it's not correctly recognizing your keyboard. Could you tell me a little more about your set up?

Ah yes, it was copy pasted but then even when I started typing, to add to it, it wasn't counting.

Can you tell me a little more about your set up? For example what operating system you are using and what version of the program you have?

I'm using Ventura 13.1 on a Macbook Air. And my version of stimu is 2.1.4

I just released an update, could you please install it and let me know if it fixes the issue? I recommend using the itchio app to run and install StimuWrite because it keeps it up to date and solves some of permission issues that come with unsigned apps.

I fixed a bug in in the latest version (2.3) that has just been released that I believe was causing your issue, please update :)


Just downloaded this and I am so thankful already. I am obsessed with the different backgrounds, especially the moving ones. The typing sounds are so nice and yes the progress bar is amazing. 

I'm so glad to hear it's been helpful!


Oh, I think I have a vague request for backgrounds/themes, if you're looking for any direction on it. I really like the kind of fuzzy, sluggish feel of the Sunset theme. It feels very soft and non-distracting. I think landscapes work really well, and so do the warm, non-abrasive colors and simplistic views. A lot of the animated backgrounds have a lot of "information"--faces, fish, TV static, mushrooms growing and dying. The fuzzy/pixelly quality, coupled with being mostly silhouette (and so very short on details), really works for me.

A warm color scheme is also great for latenight writing, for what it's worth. It's why I mostly only use Fireplace and Sunset (and Waterfall, which admittedly breaks the pattern). I'm sure it's hard to make/acquire these, though! This is just one user's thoughts.


This is helpful, thank you! Some more subtle themes are definitely due after the Chaos Pack, haha. More landscape backgrounds is a great idea.


Hey, just wanted to say as someone with ADHD this has been a GODSEND for my writing. Thank you so much!

I'm so glad to hear that! Thanks for letting me know :)

This has been a game changer! Getting my thoughts flowing for papers and journaling is so much easier. One of my complaints was the black bars when going into fullscreen and that has been fixed in the latest update. Thank you so much!

My only issue is that some of the backgrounds flicker at the end of their loops. Now my preferred BG has started doing it in the latest update. I tried un/re installing but it's still happening. I've just been keeping it paused and that works fine but I hope I can find a solution.

[A Fluid paint + dark mode + illegible/flow circular + typewriter sound setup girly]


I will look into this issue! Thank you for letting me know

thank you!! I will be thrilled if you find a fix, but I really appreciate all the work you continue to put into this either way.

I'm having trouble replicating this issue. Is it possible you could give me more information like your computer information, how it's flickering, whether you are using full screen mode, and if it's intermittent or not?


I absolutely love the app - thank you so much for making it!!
Also saw that you've got an android tablet version in the works, which I"m really excited to use on the go :D


Oh, I love this! It's not a full-fledged word processor but I think that's kind of the point - you don't do your final edit in this, you get yourself to where you have something to edit.  Which for me is the hard part.


I loved the changes!

Its amazing!


Thank you so much for your positive feedback! It means a lot 💜


A friend of mine is looking for an app like this for Android-there's really not anything quite like it! I know it would be a lot of work, so it's just a non-serious suggestion: Would you consider an Android port?

One was in the works but I had to pause it due to life circumstances. I may resume development soon


I'll let my friend know! Hope things continue to improve for you!

I love this app! But recently I updated to the latest version and for some reason, the Curly Quotes aren't working. The option is on in Advanced Settings but they only come out as Straight Quotes.

that’s so strange! I’ll look into it

This has been fixed in the latest version along with a bunch of cool features :)

Downloaded and working great so far! I really like the expand background to window option, too; I didn't realize how much it was bothering me until you added the option. I really like this app and that you take the time to respond and fix things, so I bought the Essential Theme Pack. Thank you for your hard work! <3

Thank you so much! I’m glad you’re enjoying the update :D

This app has been a HUGE help for me!! It's been so beneficial to my time management while working on exams. Thank you so much for this <3

You’re welcome! I’m so glad it’s helped you


lost my copy of the app somehow, so downloading again!! this is such a brilliant programm, I love it very much! really helps me with my adhd

I’m so glad it’s helped you <3

(2 edits) (+3)

NOTICE: ​Please update to the latest version if you are experiencing a crash upon starting the program, an issue with changing my itchio username and the code checking the latest version has been fixed

Been loving this app so far to write my stories! But currently there's an issue with the latest build on Mac where it crashes 3 seconds after booting up. I've tried restarting my laptop to see if it was a memory issue, but it's still persisting :( 


Hi sorry about this, I’ve figured out the issue and will release a fix asap. In the meantime, the app should work offline if you turn off your internet. It happened because I changed my itchio username, so the version check is failing in a way I didn’t expect.


I absolutely love this. I stumbled across it on tumblr when it went semi-viral for a short while. I'm so happy I can try it out now that I have an actual working laptop. Which brings me to one of two questions I have. 

Are there plans for an app version or at the least a browser version of this? 

And will there be a version that saves progress like word does? I just had to update my computer to see if it would stop the hideous non-plugged-in-lag that's driving me nuclear and realized I lost my last 200 words T_T.

Have you tried going to Options > Recover Session?

Fun fact: I tried to make a theme with the tutorial you posted a few comments below and it all went wrong lmao

I will be patiently waiting for new themes from you hahaha


ah, I’m sorry you weren’t able to get it to work! If you like, you can email me your theme files and I’ll take a look :)

hi, at some point last year (june?) i had a version of stimuwrite that i managed to be able to use and i really really loved it. that was the most i wrote in a long time. i remembered it recently and downloaded the new update, and i can't seem to get it to run at all. the program closes after showing the title screen for a few seconds, no error popups or anything. it does the same thing even when launching it through the itchio app. please help, i really want to be able to use it again!


Hello! I'm sorry you are having issues with the program. Please try this:

1. Navigate to the StimuWrite user data folder in your computer

Windows: %APPDATA%\Godot\app_userdata\StimuWrite\
macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Godot/app_userdata/StimuWrite/
Linux:  ~/.local/share/godot/app_userdata/StimuWrite/

2. Delete the file stimuwrite.cfg and the addons folder (if there is one )

3. Start StimuWrite

Let me know if this fixes the issue.

Hi, there! I seem to be having the same issue as the user above. I've deleted the listed file, but it doesn't seem to be working. I've also deleted and re-installed the app just in case: I seem to be able to run the older version with no issues, so I'll use that in the meantime! Any thoughts on why the new version might not be working? (I'm on a Mac running Ventura 13.4.1, if that helps). Thanks for the wonderful app! Truly a life-saver. 

I’m sorry you’re having issues. Please email me we’ll see if we can sort it out

Thanks so much, and no trouble at all! I've just emailed you. Appreciate the help! :)

Deleted 357 days ago

Hi, so first off, I unequivocally love this program. It's so helpful for my brain, and I give it 5 stars. When I use it with timed sprints, it's usefulness just skyrockets. The only feedback I want to leave is I'd really appreciate a spellcheck/grammar feature. I understand this program is meant to just get words down, and you're supposed to paste it into a different writing program. But the way I use it, and several other friends, we often copy and paste directly from Stimuwrites 2 into the chat, sending snippets to each other. And editing in different programs is unwelcome to us, and we prefer to just keep and polish first drafts for technical issues. That's why a built-in spellcheck feature could be really useful. I understand if it's difficult to code it though, and I'm leaving a 5 star review anyways because Stimuwrites 2 totally achieves what it promises---being an ADHD friendly writing app that stimulates you to write.


i really love this app and writing is so satisfying now <3 i only wish you could open other files using it


Love love love this app! My one complaint is that there are certain backgrounds can't be used with the two clear themes because text is hard/impossible to see. A semi-transparent one would be great, though that's only my suggestion.

That's a great idea, thank you!

Just downloaded! Seems real nice to write with, but the resolution of the text seems very pixel-y? I wonder if it's something weird about my mac since the screenshots look much crisper. Maybe my eyes will adjust though.


ive loved the old version so when i saw the new one, i had to try it out!! and can i say i owe u my life for this writing app cause ive always been in such a writing block, and yet every time i use this, i end up writing like 200 or more words somehow SO TYYY

oh I’m so glad to hear that! Thank you for letting me know :)


i'm assuming the answer is no, but would you ever be willing to tell people how to make their own themes?


Hi! So I did publish a template on github with instructions on how to make your own theme but haven't really publicized it yet because it's a work in progress. If you want to give it a try, feel free and feel free to reach out to me ( for support during the process.


A lifesaver. I loved using the old version, really hyped for the upgrade!

I’m so glad to hear you find it helpful!


Ooh, this is embarrassing, but I accidentally closed the "update" box and I didn't see what the new changes were! Anything noteworthy?


Hi! It's mostly under the hood changes to make the app faster, more stable, and compatible with more machines but there are a few features and bug fixes you can read about here


Hello! I wanted to ask, is it normal for the app to significantly slow down when using the typing sounds function? or is it a "writing session too long, need cooldown" feature?


It’s an issue on a some computers but I’m releasing an update soon that will improve performance and compatibility and should fix this issue. Stay tuned!

Thanks! Apart from that this app REALLY hacked my dopamine, and I plan to use the "unreadable" font soon, can't feel self conscious about my creative writing if I don't have a clue if I miss spelled 

Hello! Please try the updated version to see if it runs better on your computer. I recommend turning overlapping sounds off in advanced settings for even better performance.

*insert appreciative expletive here* that was fast! 

Hehe good timing! Please let me know if it’s working better for you when you get a chance to try it again 

Hey! is there anyway we could make our one themes?

like mabey you could have the Godot source up on git?

(Or is this more of a personal project that you want to make more money off of?)

(1 edit) (+2)

I’m planning on releasing a free template that people can open and edit in Godot to make their own themes, but i have to finish the iOS and Android versions first. Hopefully soon.

As for open sourcing it, that will probably never happen because it will add more work (project management, code refactoring, support, and administrative work) that I don’t have the time and energy for. I have to be able to work on the project at my own pace for it to be sustainable.


👍 Yeah, this is great!  Cant wait to make my own themes!

I've created a custom theme template and documentation for it, and put it on github. Give it a try if you like. You'll be a bit of a guinea pig here as it's a work in progress and you'll be one of the first people to use it

I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong, I've read through the docs a few times now and I keep getting errors.

I’ll reach out to you on discord


luv this! picked up two of the themes, fingers crossed for some animal emojis!

i love that idea! Thank you


I really enjoy this program, I was just wondering if you are planning on adding the ability to upload your own emojis/sounds/backgrounds in the future.

Further emoji and background customization are features I’m definitely considering! I’m not sure about custom sounds though 

You can now add custom emoji and background images in the latest version :)

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